Monday, November 28, 2011

Orkla Growth Award

Last week I attended the ceremony of Orkla Growth Award in Oslo. This event is arranged once every year and it is a really fun evening. You meet colleagues from all over the world while Orkla is nominating companies (within Orkla Brands) that have done well throughout the past year. The categories can be everything from best advertising, to best growth innovation, to best packaging, to best new launch, to best promotion campaign to the biggest price “Grand Price” (grand slam). Grand Price is the most prestige to win and this year Procordia won it. That means that they have done well all over, that they have had a high standard in general in every part they have done. Last year OLW won the desirable price especially for its success with “fredagsmys”. Next year I hope it will be another company…

Orkla ASA | Nedre Skøyenvei 26 | Pb 423 Skøyen 0213 Oslo | Tlf + 47 22 54 40 00 | Faks + 47 22 54 44 90